On the third day of Christmas my MAK Grill made for me: three smoked turkeys, two ham glazes and ribs competition ready.
This recipe was generously provided to us by the one and only Peter “Smokin’ Pete” Jautaikis.
Smoked Turkey
Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas or an average Monday, smoked turkey is always a great dinner option! These large birds are great at soaking up all the smoke, giving it that perfect flavor. There will be plenty for the whole family and even a bit leftover for some turkey sandwiches later in the week.

(Photo by MAK owner J. Fowler)
- 1-14 lb. fresh or frozen turkey
- ½ cup roasted garlic olive oil
- ¾ cup Smoker Pete’s Western Rub
- Vertical Roaster
Smoker Pete’s Western Rub
- 1 cup kosher salt
- 6 tablespoons garlic powder
- 1 tablespoon onion powder
- 5 tablespoons oregano
- 3 tablespoons black pepper
- 3 tablespoons minced dry parsley
Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix until well blended.
Makes 1¼ cups of rub. Store remainder in an airtight jar and store in a cool place.
- Rinse turkey inside and out under cold running water, towel pat dry.
- Rub roasted garlic extra virgin olive oil on and under the skin on the breast and thighs, and on the entire outside of the turkey.
Season turkey by placing Smoker Pete’s Western Rub under the skin over the breast and inside the thighs.
- Place the turkey on the grill or in a pan (over a pan works too) to use the drippings for gravy.
- Preheat your MAK wood pellet smoker-grill to 200ºF. Let grill come to temperature.
- Smoke the turkey for 3 hours at 200ºF before bumping the grill temperature to 330ºF. Continue cooking turkey until the internal temperature at the thickest part of the breast reaches 170ºF. Rest the smoked turkey loosely under a foil tent for 20 minutes before carving and serving.
- For planning purposes allow at least 5 hours from the time the grill is turned on to the end of the resting process.
(Recipe provided by Smoker Pete)